Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Writer's Block (or SCSS)

Yeah, so, I'm a slacker. BUT, I started writing my book again! And...I have writer's block. Here's an excerpt of my "Junk Writing" I was just doing.

I have writer’s block. Well, half writers block. I can write anything but my story. I’m just stuck on this chapter! I’ll write a few sentences, then get stuck. Write a few more, then get stuck. It’s a good thing revision exists, because this book will need some revising for sure! Haha! I just don’t really know what’s going to happen next I guess… I mean, I know that Taren needs to start his search, but I don’t want to go into that so soon! Also, I need to introduce Arlynn. The problem with her though, is that she never has anyone to talk to! She’s just lonely, and, well, kinda mundane at the moment. Holy fish! I can’t do this!

Alright, we have a few problems here. Let's see if we can solve them.

First of all, I have writers block. How do you address writers block? Let's take my own advice here from my book Write! How to Create a Fantasy Novel.

I just write. It doesn’t matter what I write, I just write. Whatever comes to mind, I put it on paper. This is telling the back of your brain that you want to write.

Okay, so I tried that. Problem was, IT WAS TOO EASY! Now you're asking, "Well, isn't that a good thing?" Yeah, normally. But I still can't write my book. So now we've determined it's not usual writer's block. I call it "Stuck on a certain section syndrome" or SCSS for short. Mostly this happens when you don't exactly know where you're trying to go with your story. I know the basics, but what exactly happens between the time Taren has his dreams and the time he starts on his search? That's the part I have to make up, and right now the creative aren't exactly flowing as much I need them to be...

Second problem: I need to introduce the character Arlynn and give the reader a sense of what she's like. Or do I? Yeah, it's a good idea to introduce her. But does the reader need to know what she's like yet? No! Also, I've decided that she's so hard to "introduce" in the way I'm thinking of it, because she has SO MANY LAYERS! I mean, when I person first meets you, they learn the basics. But it probably takes them a few years to get to know you! Solution to this problem: Introduce her throughout the book. I also realized that mostly this book is on Taren, and it's sequel (yes, it's sequel...) is more about Arlynn. We can save all that soul searching for a later book. Sounds like procrastinating, I know. But it's not. It's artfully telling your story. Not saying you should always follow my example, I'm saying you should follow your heart. :)

Third problem: No dialogue? Yeah, that's boring... Solution? I...don't know! Haha! Sorry 'bout that one. I'll do some reading and make a post about what I find.

So, to sum it up, I have three problems, 1) SCSS 2) Problem introducing character and 3) No dialogue. My solution? Skip to the next part of the book! That's what revision's for, right? Right.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Long time, no write

Hey! Yes, I'm finished with my characters. Finally. :) Actually, now I've started on my rough draft. I would tell you some profound insight on sentence structure (which is what I had planned) but I've got to go clean my room. Once I'm done I'll do that. ;) Yeah, more procrastinating. That seems to be my thing, eh?

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Still putting it off

I've been finding excuses all week to get away from developing characters. Well, that's all going to change today. I am going to finish my characters!! :D I'm going to sit down at the computer, and not get off until I know EVERYTHING about all of my characters! Wish me luck, I'll need it.
Edit: It's killing me! I really want to go read the comics! Just 3 more characters. :| Almost there.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Yup. I'm doing it. I've been developing a character for over an HOUR! Almost done... Just 2 more questions! And then I can move on to Taren. *groans* One thing that writers won't tell you: There are some parts of writing that really, really suck. I mean, I love developing characters! In my mind... Getting it all down onto paper is a bit tedious. :P Well, I guess I'd better go get it all finished. *sighs* Tomorrow I'll start actually writing the story. YAY! :) Also, below is a nifty form I use for developing characters. If you want to use it, go ahead!


Nickname (if any):

Physical features:

  • Hair color and length:
  • Eyes:
  • Height:
  • Build:
  • Other:



Type of being:

Family members:


House & room:



Ways of speaking:

Items in his/her pockets or purse:



Powers (if any):



Good points:

What he/she wants most:

Give a brief summary of their history:

Anything and everything else you want to include:

First Post

Hey there! I'm Marissa, but you can call me Missy. :D I don't normally go by Missy, but, well, it's a long story. :) I made this blog to post my insights on writing, and the writing process. I am currently just barely starting a new book, and I plan to finish this one all the way through. I have my basic plot line, and I'm going to plot it out and develop characters right now. :D Yay! I'd love it if you followed me, and PLEASE comment! I love comments. :) Anyway, here's my blog. I hope you enjoy. :)
