Saturday, 1 June 2013

Summer Goals!

Hey! So, summer is upon us. School is out, it's starting to warm up, I pulled my shorts out of the closet... Life is good. And since I no longer have to worry about passing Chemistry (which I did, by the way), I now have more time to write! YAY!
So, I learned something about myself. I can't work on just one thing. I get bored too easily. So I have 3 projects I'll be working on, and I hope I can divide my time evenly between them. So here's what happening.

Project 1-SITU: I've started the first draft. Sort of. I can't for the life of my decide where I want to start my story on it's timeline. I've tried several different things. It's not working. I'm about ready to just start in the middle and come back to the beginning. That might happen. Also, my dear friend Rebecca is currently working on drawing up my characters. Happy day. I'm excited to see them. :D So, this summer I suppose I'll continue to plow through the first draft.

Project 2-Children's Book: I'm working on a children's book for my little sister. I'm having troubles coming up with an idea I think she'll like. So this summer I hope to get that idea, plot it out, and get at least most of the way done with the book. Sounds like a hefty workload, but we have to remember that this book is for a 7 year old. I could probably get away with less than 100 pages. She says 10 chapters is the perfect length, so there's that.

Project 3-????: So, because I've been thinking a lot about plots because of the above project, I found one that I really like. Not quite 7 year old suitable, so I won't be writing this for her. But I enjoy the idea. Because the idea is still pretty young, I don't think I'll be starting the first draft this summer. I like to let ideas float in my head a little bit before I attempt to put them on paper. Let it mature a little bit, you know. So I think I'll start outlining on that sometime in July. After I've let things develop a bit. But I'm excited.

So there's that. I think I have my work cut out for me this summer. Especially since I'd like to get that book to my little sister for Christmas. :/ One can always hope.

Side note-My backspace key is broken. Talk about pressure anybody? Haha. Yeah. Also on my list of things to do this summer: Buy a new laptop. :P

That's all for today! Keep writing!

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